If you’re looking for someone ‘dISruPtIVE,’ congrats. You’ve come to the right place. I’m an extremely online hybrid creative with an insane digital footprint (we listen and we don’t judge). For a really long time, I was like, ‘Do I need to give into the buzzwords and industry jargon here?’ But I figured I’d just wing it. Because to be entirely honest, it’s stiff, it’s boring, and it’s not me. ‘BUT WHAT ARE YOU AT THE INTERSECTION OF???!!’ If there’s anything that I’ve learned over the years, it’s that my whole entire chaotic self has much more value to add than any watered-down version of myself. Your POV is more valuable than any other thing that you can bring to the table. Do I know how to bring your brand to life and speak to your target audience without sounding like an undercover cop? Absolutely. Do I know how to build out content strategies that humanize your brand and find that beautiful sweet spot between relevance and resonance? Fuck yeah.
I exist on level 10 and I want my work to be a reflection of that. So you’re down to shake sh*t up, draft me & add me to your roster.